man holding sign that says impossible

The way we speak to ourselves has a huge impact on how we handle everyday obstacles.  We make those words our reality.  That is why it is so important we are working towards having a positive mindset when approaching hard things in life.  

Recently, I received a note home from my son’s teacher.  He was refusing to do his work in class.  When he got home from school that day I asked him why he didn’t do his work.  My son said,  “I’m not a math person.  I can’t do it.”  Because of his negative mindset, he failed before he even tried.

picture of two different colored brains
Image by Elisa from Pixabay

Mindset could arguably be the most important determining factor of success and we all want to be our definition of successful, right? 

Let’s learn more about different mindsets and how they impact our ability to overcome obstacles.  

Fixed Mindset vs. Growth Mindset

infographic of fixed vs growth mindset characteristics
photo cred:

When talking about mindsets, it’s important to discuss the difference between a growth mindset and a fixed mindset.  

Fixed mindset

I have to quote the queen of mindset on this one!  

“In a fixed mindset, people believe their basic qualities, like their intelligence or talent, are simply fixed traits. They spend their time documenting their intelligence or talent instead of developing them. They also believe that talent alone creates success—without effort.” ( Dweck, 2015)

An example of a fixed mindset statement is, “I can’t make dinner.  I’m just not a good cook.”  

This type of mindset can be debilitating.  I know by experience.  Tech anything has always been intimidating to me.  It took a long (embarrassingly long) time for my husband to convince me to get rid of the flip phone.  

Years ago, I bought a domain name so that I could start blogging.  But, I didn’t set up the blog until almost 6 years later.  I was convinced that my lack of intuitiveness in tech made it impossible to run a website.  Only after a lot of encouragement from my husband, was I able to jump into taking on a new learning challenge.

Growth Mindset

“In a growth mindset, people believe that their most basic abilities can be developed through dedication and hard work—brains and talent are just the starting point. This view creates a love of learning and a resilience that is essential for great accomplishment.” (Dweck, 2015)

An example of a growth mindset is, “I don’t know a lot about cooking, but if I practice a lot I can become a great cook.”

Having a “growth mindset” means that you believe in your ability to become better through hard work, learning from your mistakes, and by getting help from others.  It is a powerful tool for overcoming obstacles.  

infographic of a quote by Dr. Dweck

Dr. Carol Dweck, a professor at Harvard University, has been studying growth mindset for years. She first started researching mindset over 30 years ago when she realized that some students were more resilient than others and she wanted to figure out why.  She has a great book out right now called, Mindset: The New Psychology of Success.

Dweck says, “This growth mindset is based on the belief that your basic qualities are things you can cultivate through your efforts. Although people may differ in every which way in their initial talents and aptitudes, interests, or temperaments, everyone can change and grow through application and experience.”

Growth Mindset in the classroom

Children in a classroom

As we learned earlier, mindset is important when learning new skills.  If we believe we can’t do something, then we become our biggest obstacle to obtaining success.  Developing a growth mindset is worth doing to have a lifetime of success with learning.  That’s why I strongly believe promoting a growth mindset in the classroom is important.  Here are some simple ways to encourage a growth mindset in the classroom.

  • Allow students access to coloring pages that have growth mindset mantras on them.
  • Include a bulletin board in the classroom with select growth mindset classroom mantras on it.
  • Model using positive self-talk and using self-love statements around students.

What is a mantra?

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

The word mantra sounds almost mystical. But, There isn’t much mystery at all.  Mantras are just words or phrases that you repeat during meditation.  

They are similar to positive affirmations, except that mantras typically have spiritual or religious roots while positive affirmations do not.  It’s easy to feel stuck when we have a fixed mindset.  The good news is that there are some helpful mantras to help you conquer a new challenge.  Here is a list of my favorite growth mindset mantras:

55 Most Powerful Growth Mindset Mantras

  1. Mistakes help me grow.
  2. I believe in myself.
  3. Make better mistakes tomorrow.
  4. I choose to focus on what went right.
  5. I embrace challenges.
  6. Whether you believe you can, or believe you can’t, you are right.
  7. It’s ok not to know, but it’s not okay not to try.
  8. Don’t let the fear of striking out keep you from playing the game.
  9. You control your choices.
  10. Failed = first attempt in learning.
  11. Believe you can and you’re halfway there.
  12. I’m not perfect, I’m learning.
  13. The expert in anything was once a beginner.
  14. If what I’m doing isn’t working then what I’m doing has to change.
  15. Don’t spend your time comparing, spend your time creating.
  16. Trust yourself.
  17. You are enough.
  18. Only compare yourself to yourself.
  19. No pressure, no diamonds.
  20. Limits exist only in my mind.
  21. I am a creative problem-solver
  22. I can’t do it…..yet!
  23. I don’t need all the answers to get started.
  24. I can conquer difficult tasks.
  25. Everything is figure-outable.
  26. I don’t know the full plan yet, but I will figure it out.
  27. I will simply begin.
  28. I will make it happen.
  29. It’s never too late.
  30. I am worth it.
  31. It’s ok to take risks, that’s how we learn.
  32. My effort and attitude determine my abilities.
  33. I can keep improving.
  34. I can practice more.
  35. I can find another way.
  36. I won’t give up.
  37. You get what you focus on.
  38. Stepping outside my comfort zone helps me grow.
  39. Feedback is a gift.
  40. I can’t take care of others if I don’t take care of myself.
  41. I am not here to be perfect.
  42. I am here to do my best.
  43. Learning is messy.
  44. Growth is a journey, not a destination.
  45. I am powerful.
  46. I am evolving.
  47. I can find an excuse, or I can find a way.
  48. One year equals 365 possibilities.
  49. What would you attempt to do if you believe you could not fail?
  50. I have the power within myself to create change and love.
  51. We only become what we believe.
  52. Keep looking where the light pours in.
  53. Breath in love, breathe out hate.
  54. Hard work beats talent if talent doesn’t work hard.
  55. Thank you.
growth mindset infographic

The key to happiness may be connected to having a positive growth mindset.  Many mantras can be used to help improve a negative fixed mindset.  I hope the mantras in this article help build more confidence and success for you!

Please leave me a comment.  I love hearing what my readers have to say!

55 Powerful Growth Mindset Mantras
Article Name
55 Powerful Growth Mindset Mantras
In this article, you will find the top 55 most powerful growth mindset mantras.

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