Depressed woman in bed

There’s a good chance you are reading this right now because you are looking for a way to treat anxiety and depression without medication.  According to the American Depression Association of America (ADAA), 264 million people around the world live with depression alone.  That is enough reason to make sure all lines of treatment are explored.  

There are many reasons people prefer to stay away from medication, including fear of side effects and fear of addiction.  If you are wondering whether chiropractic care is a good solution, then you are in the right place!

According to new studies, Chiropractic care is effective in treating both depression and anxiety symptoms!  That’s amazing news for those seeking alternative treatment options that do not include taking drugs!

Head with mental health terms written on it

So what is Chiropractic care?  How can it help?  Read on to discover the top 9 benefits of using Chiropractic care to help treat anxiety and depression.

What is Chiropractic Care?

The word chiropractic comes from the Greek words cheir (hand) and praxis (practice)

Chiropractic care is a complementary medicine that involves allowing the body to heal itself with the help of a medical professional, a chiropractor.  Chiropractors primarily focus on spinal manipulation with the use of hands and massage therapy.  Other techniques used during a chiropractic session include developing and implementing an exercise and nutritional plan.

Are Chiropractors real doctors?

This can be a tricky question.  Let me explain why.

When people think of a doctor, a professional with an M.D. degree often comes to mind.  Chiropractors do not have medical degrees.  They do however have a degree in chiropractic care.  Here’s a comparison of the two degrees.

Doctor of Chiropractic (D.C.) vs. Doctor of Medicine (D.M.)

Chiropractor vs Medical Doctor Chart


  • Obtain a degree acquired from an institution accredited by the Higher Learning Commission 
  • Licensed to practice
  • 1- year internship required
  • Practice in integrative medical settings, hospitals, and private practice clinics
  • Can prescribe natural and OTC medications
  • Must pass specialized boards and exams



  • Focus on treating the person with the disease
  • Look at the nervous system to improve mental and physical health
  • Use natural ways to treat ailments

Medical Doctors

  • Focus on treating the disease
  • Study the blood
  • Use surgery and drugs to treat ailments

What is Anxiety?

Just juggling everyday activities can be overwhelming and provoke anxiety.  These include feelings of unease or worry and are perfectly normal from time to time.  Here are some common mental and physical symptoms of anxiety:

  • Sweating
  • Dizziness
  • Blurred Vision
  • Increased heart rate
  • Concentration difficulties
  • Sleep difficulties
  • Trouble controlling thoughts of worry or anxiousness
  • Feeling restless or on edge

Sometimes these feelings can evolve into intense, more frequent episodes that interfere with daily activities (anxiety disorders).  Here are some examples of anxiety disorders:

  • Social anxiety disorder– Avoiding social situations due to anxiety and fear of being judged by others.
  • Generalized Anxiety Disorder– When feelings of worry and anxiety about ordinary events become incessant and excessive.
  • Panic Disorder– Includes feelings of intense anxiety, fear, or worry that happen frequently (Panic attacks).

What is Depression?

Unhappy man

According to the American Psychological Association (APA), depression is a serious medical condition that affects the way you act, feel, and think. Here are some common symptoms:

  • Sleep changes
  • Loss of interest and enjoyment in activities 
  • Fatigue
  • Weight gain or loss
  • Difficulty with concentration
  • Feeling sad or “down”
  • Feeling helpless, hopeless, worthless
  • Thoughts of suicide
  • Changes in appetite

Now that we know all about anxiety, depression, and chiropractic care let’s dive into how regular chiropractic care can help improve these mental conditions.

9. Relieves Muscle Tension

Woman getting a shoulder massage

Being in a state of anxiety can trigger the “fight or flight” response.  During this response the muscles in the body become tense.  Chiropractors relieve muscle tension through deep tissue manipulation and massage.  They may also employ Spinal Cord Stimulation (SCS) to reduce pain and tension.

8. Lowers Blood Pressure

person getting blood pressure taken

One possible symptom of anxiety is increased blood pressure due to chronic stress.  Chiropractors realign the spine to restore normal blood flow to the arteries in the heart.  When they dilate the blood vessels open up allowing blood to move through easily.  This results in lowering high blood pressure.

7. Releases “Happy” Hormones

Happy woman looking in the mirror

Feeling sad or down are symptoms that characterize depression.  When chiropractors realign and balance the body’s chemistry they relieve pain.  As pain is relieved, the body releases a “happy” hormone called dopamine.  

6. It’s Natural

Picture of herbs, lemon and ginger

Instead of prescribing medications like an anxiety medication, chiropractors utilize spinal adjustments to improve health.  This can improve symptoms of anxiety and depression such as the ability to focus without the risk of side effects from prescription medications.

5. Helps Sleep

Woman peacefully sleeping

Both anxiety and depression can be sleep busters.  That’s why it’s great chiropractors are able to help promote better sleep patterns.  They are able to decrease your body’s stress hormone (cortisol).  This can make for a more relaxed state ideal for sleep.  Chiropractors also ease muscle tension that causes relentless discomfort such as back pain and neck pain.   They also improve other discomforts in the body and stimulate circulation.  All of these factors have a positive impact on sleep quality.

4. Decreases Tension Headaches

Man in pain with headache

The Migraine Research Foundation (MRF) states that 39 million people in the United States suffer from migraine headaches.  The good news is that chiropractors are able to decrease the occurrence of headaches by relieving tension that can trigger them.

3. Balance Mind and Body

A woman in nature

Chiropractic manipulation and care focus on the functioning of the central nervous system.  This is important because the nervous system coordinates everything in the body.   It sends communication signals back and forth from the brain to the body.  When the spine is not aligned, this interferes with the communication signals.  When chiropractors realign the spine it improves the functioning of the nervous system, balancing the mind and body (overall health).

2. Helps Lower Weight

picture of a plate that says weight loss on it

An imbalance in the body can cause metabolism issues that prevent weight loss.  A chiropractor uses chiropractic adjustments to correct spinal misalignments.  When the spine is realigned, balance is restored in the body.  Exercising also becomes easier when pain is relieved.

1. Aids in Release of Emotions

women lying on couch crying

People often hold their emotions in their bodies as tension.  A chiropractor relaxes the body by relieving tension.  The mind and body are connected so this allows the mind to relax and release emotions.  

According to KFF, 2 out of 5 adults in the United States report having depression and/or anxiety.  With so many people struggling with mental health, it’s a good idea to look at all helpful treatments.  Many people prefer a natural way to tackle their health issues.  If this is you, then you may be wondering if a chiropractor can help relieve symptoms of anxiety and/or depression.

There are several studies that show a link between chiropractic treatment and an increase in overall mental health.  One reason to support this outcome has to do with the mind-body connection.  A chiropractor uses a mind-body approach by correcting spinal misalignment and implores deep tissue massage to alleviate aches and pain in the body.  

When the body feels healthier so does the mind because they are connected by the nervous system.  

Next time you struggle with mental health issues, exploring the benefits of chiropractic care may be a good choice!  Has complementary medicine ever helped you or anyone you know?  Leave me a comment below to let me know!

9 Best Ways Chiropractic Care Helps Anxiety and Depression
Article Name
9 Best Ways Chiropractic Care Helps Anxiety and Depression
Have you been looking for alternative ways to relieve symptoms and anxiety and depression? This article will detail everything you need to know about Chiropractic care and how it can help.

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